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Catch Rate Estimator

Instructions | Auto-Loader 📋 | CRE 📋
Floor Type:
Lantern Oil:
Battery Level:
Ballista Level:
Cannon Level:
Amp: %
Salt Level:
Lucky Golden Shield:
Riftstalker Codex:
Bonus Power %:
Bonus Luck:
Use Custom values:
Cheese cost:
Comments: Rage states: Low = 1-24, Medium = 25-49, High = 50
Darkest Chocolate Bunny proc rate currently set to 33%
Comments: Please report inaccurate minimum luck values here
Comments: Labyrinth/Minotaur/Treasure Seeker Base & Compass Magnet Charm proc rates currently set to 50%
Comments: Please report inaccurate minimum luck values (particularly for Storm Dragons) here
Comments: 'Crew' and 'Ringleaders' sublocations use placeholder attraction data (since each Wanted Poster is different)
Comments: Salt level is believed to be logarithmically related to Grub & Scarab power values
The current formulas are approximations based on data from tehhowch
Comments: Event mouse data is liable to change on a yearly basis
Comments: Please report incorrect minimum luck values or drastically inaccurate catch rates
Comments: Chesla's Revenge proc rate currently set to 12.5%
Sandcastle Shard Trap not implemented since its Amp% effect depends on current & max levels
Comments: Pirate Crew attraction rates will vary depending on your current manifest
Comments: Placeholder ARs: Wardens & Paragons
Comments: Speculative Effs: Mythical Master Sorcerer
ARs are currently placeholders for reference only!
Sample Size Score:
Link to this setup